

河景 School seeks to integrate academic and 社会 development in students’ living environment to encourage living and learning together.


  • 自我保健

  • 房间和宿舍护理和洗衣

  • 预算和资金管理(需求vs. 希望”)

  • 业余时间的规划

  • 建立和维持友谊

  • 通过营养、健身和娱乐机会获得健康

  • 自我宣传和社交技巧

  • 膳食计划和准备 (成长 students have one assigned cooking night a week with staff support)

  • 安排晚上的家庭作业和/或安静时间

  • 时间管理和组织(议程、图表、列表)

  • 执行功能技能

  • 社区安全措施

*While the routine and structure ensure that these important skills are taught and reinforced, 成长 students play a very 行为ive role in designing and planning their individual schedules.


朋友 & 奖学金

河景的宿舍不仅仅是一个睡觉和学习的地方. 它们是校园里最重要的教室之一. 因为在河景,生活和学习是完全融合的, the residential program is designed as thoughtfully and thoroughly as the academic program.

从社交技巧和沟通到清洁, 洗衣和做饭, 学生在宿舍里学到的东西会影响一生. The student-to-faculty ratio in the dorms is 8 to 1, which allows for personalized attention. 宿舍管理员负责管理分配的宿舍, and Residential Instructors and Residential Instructors with Overnights stay in the dorms with students.

Dorms for students 17–22 in our 成长 program are located both on campus and off campus. 成长 students prepare breakfast and dinners in their dormitories and are 行为ively involved in food inventory, 超市购物, 每周准备和清理餐食.



河景的学生找到了表达自己的新方法, 发展他们的想象力, 认为, 行为, and gain confidence and poise through participation in the school’s robust drama and music programs. 所有学生均可加入合唱团及参与话剧制作, which reflect the collaboration between 河景’s visual and performing arts programs.


音乐是买足彩app平台日常课程的一部分. 学生们有机会学习音乐史, 唱, 并学习如何演奏各种乐器. Other music-based 行为ivities include: DJ (Audio/Visual) Tech Training; Band; M.A.D(音乐, 代理, Dance); Sing A-longs; Creative Song Writing; Drum Line; Acapella: and Chorus which has over 90 participants each year.


河景的学生从艺术基础开始, 他们在哪里学习比例, 透视和色彩. 他们利用脸部、身材和几何形状来创作自画像. This exercise helps them to focus on who they are to themselves, and to the world around them. Many students also enjoy learning about and incorporating the latest technologies like Photoshop into their artwork to broaden creative options.



所有的中间 & 高中 students participate in a comprehensive after-school 行为ivity program, 这既培养了他们的技能,又增强了他们的社区意识和归属感. Additionally, weekend programming includes trips to local Cape Cod and New England attr行为ions. 活动 provide students with typical teenage experiences such as student government, 俱乐部和舞会.

培养学生选择和计划自己的社会活动, 哪些活动在校内和校外都有. They have many options and decisions to make regarding evening and weekend 社会izing. 典型的大学时代经历, 比如出去吃饭, 去看电影, 去购物中心, 或者参加体育赛事和表演, 让成长学生保持社交活跃.


The philosophy of “personal best” is embodied in all aspects of 河景’s physical education, 体育健身项目, 哪一种包括改良的和适应性的教学.

在中间 & 高中, 河景’s physical education program emphasizes the skills necessary for participation in a variety of individual recreational sports and traditional team sports, 并帮助学生走出他们的舒适区. 体育精神和团队合作等技能得到加强.

买足彩app平台的体育项目是完全包容的. 任何中间 & 希望参加足球运动的高中生, 篮球, 垒球, 游泳, 网球, 越野, 或者是田径, 并保持对这项运动的承诺, 会被分到一个队吗.

河景 has joined the 麻萨诸塞州 Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) and become a Special Olympics Unified Champion School for both 篮球 and track and field. 现在河景镇的运动成就将得到官方认可!

健康、营养和健身也很重要. 学生们了解健康饮食和保持活跃的好处. 他们可以使用河景最先进的健康中心, 配备有认证的健身教练.


河景的健康计划侧重于保持运动的好处, 健康饮食和留心. 我们致力于将健康作为一个社区, and to ensuring that our students are developing and internalizing habits that will guide them to independently make healthy choices throughout their lifetimes.


我们健康项目的扩展带来了许多令人兴奋的创新. 社区健康挑战, 新兵训练营课程, 更多的娱乐活动, 健身指导和个人训练! 除了, 所有学生都可以使用最先进的科恩中心, 配备认证健身教练.


河景 makes every effort to provide a variety of nutritious food within our community. We offer well-balanced meals for students through our dining services as well as through cooking instruction that takes place in the academic and residential setting. The school incorporates healthy eating concepts and learning opportunities throughout the students’ day. 学生 are educated around nutritious food choices and advised on appropriate portion sizes to balance daily consumption through meals and snacks.


正念 is a mental state achieved by focu唱 one’s awareness on the present moment, 同时冷静地承认和接受自己的感受, 的想法, 以及身体的感觉, 用作治疗技术的. 除了每天早上的冥想, yoga classes are offered to both staff and students and faculty teaches mindfulness as an important coping skill.



The 保健中心 (HCC) is located on the main campus and is staffed seven days per week/ 24 hours per day by a team of nurses, 医疗助理, 以及急救医护人员. 熟练的护理人员评估和治疗轻微的疾病和伤害. 6张床位的HCC为学生提供了一个休息的地方,如果他们生病了. Overnight medical staff are available for emergencies or to care for students requiring overnight care in the 保健中心 for medical reasons. 在紧急情况下, 河景 is centrally located and accessible to several area hospitals and urgent care facilities.

To see a list of frequently asked questions regarding our 卫生保健 services please click on the following link: 保健中心常见问题解答
